Why the Glass is Always Half Full

Why is it so important to remain positive? Why shouldn’t we all just give in, cry over spilled milk and wallow in self-pity? After all, we deserve to have the very best, no matter how much we contribute, or don’t for that matter. Why? Because our society teaches us that it is OK to have a sense of entitlement and that nothing is our fault.

How do you do it? How do you remain the positive, upbeat person you are meant to be, when you, yet again, lost in life? And when that promotion, job offer, boyfriend, girlfriend, house or apartment you wanted and deserved, again, sailed out of reach? Why should you not stomp your foot and complain for a while about the injustice of it all? Or why not keep complaining and keep holding on to all the missed chances and opportunities that escaped you, all your life?!

The simple answer is that acting like a martyr will only turn you into an eternal victim; and no one likes those. People like that project their negativity and crappy outlook about 100 miles ahead of them; and unless you are not OK in the head, you’ll run when you see them coming. Plus, holding on to negativity will only produce more of it. In addition, it will make you physically, emotionally and mentally ill. Obsessing over anything is not a great thing and when one obsesses over bad stuff it only gets worse.

Don’t get me wrong. It is absolutely normal, human and healthy to feel anger, fear, sadness or disappointment. But if you are not able to let go of these feelings and keep carrying them month after month and year after year, it is no longer healthy, but an unhealthy obsession and a total distortion of one’s view. And that, my friends, just never does anything good.

One of the great ways of letting go is to lose one’s attachment. I have found that my life is what I make it and that I do attract what I want, about 80% of the time. But there are those other 20% that, for no apparent rhyme or reason, don’t work out. There are failures in my life and there are losses and there is no lottery that made it happen. I wasn’t punished by a higher being and sometimes I don’t deserve it. And even though life is predominantly what I make it, there is always a bit of the unknown involved.

On the bright side, almost every single time I have “lost” something, I gained something of higher value. Hence, letting go of bad relationships and those who didn’t fit with who I am, lead to me finding my husband; he is the one who does fit and does belong with me.
I got laid off by Yahoo; not one of my fondest memories and yet one of the most liberating moments in my life. Of course, it took me over 2 years to figure this out!

I have experienced tons of losses in my life. Some of them I was responsible for, others were out of my control. It took me almost 20 years to learn that my unhealthy attachment to anyone or anything was causing me nothing but heartache. I enlisted the help of a professional to help me get over some of these issues, but the rest I did on my own. I was determined to be the positive, upbeat person I felt I was meant to be; not the negative, nay-saying, scared and insecure person I had become. I was tired of feeling powerless, out of energy and a bit like a loser, especially since none of these statements were particularly true (well, they were in my head).

I started focusing on the things I did have, could do and that were in my control. I had control over how I felt physically. All I had to do is get my butt up and start working out; and I had to stop shoving cheeseburgers and fries down my throat. I had control over how much sad memories from the past were controlling me; after all, there are plenty of therapists in Los Angeles. I had control over the friends I picked and with how much BS I was willing to put up. I had to set my boundaries, and if I didn’t know how to set them, darn it, I was determined to figure out how to do it properly.

Do I get whatever I want? Hardly! Do I get what I want most of the time? Definitely! The world hasn’t changed and neither did the people in it. There are still a lot of whining, irresponsible, pretentious and ignorant jerks wandering around; namely the kind that still can drive me up the wall. However, I don’t need to get affected by them. They can life in jerkland all by themselves, while I go ahead and live the life I truly do deserve.

What has changed is how I perceive my life, my choices, my power and myself. All the dorky clichΓ©s, i.e. “when life gives you lemons make lemonade,” do apply for me now. The glass is half full, the glasses are rose colored and yet, I’m not a naive Kool Aid drinker who read one too many self-help books.

What do I have that the sad, miserable folks do not? I have hope and I have a ton of tools under my belt that I didn’t have before. I know that no matter how bleak a situation may appear, I can turn it around; I can make the proverbial lemonade again. No one “makes” me miserable, no one is responsible for how I feel (although there are still a few trigger people I want to strangle at times, but then I get over it) and there are no missed opportunities, as long as I know that I did the best I could; and that I did what I did with integrity, honesty and hard work. As long as I know that I didn’t give up right away and that I did my best, I can walk away and say “Oh well, this one wasn’t meant to be, but wait for what is going to come up next! Wheeeeeeeee!!” (Did not intend to make the last sentence rhyme) πŸ™‚


  1. Bravo Carmen!!! I swear you’re my twin from another life.. πŸ™‚ I get everything you said here, and as usual I can relate to all of this.

    I finally sold my house, lost a lot of money but was ‘ready’ to ‘let go’ and move onto a better place and better life. And you know what? It is so much better!! I don’t miss the house at all. I’m not upset about the money even. I feel lucky to have had the equity to get out and I can see so many leasons from all of the crazy experiences in the last 6 years there. I don’t know a whole lot of people (except you) that would feel the same way. But I do and I know you would agree if you were here. πŸ™‚

    Now for ‘negative’ people… I experienced a ‘trigger’ with a close relative (too close and too old to avoid completely without being accused of being cruel) when I was moving and already completely stressed and ‘exhausted’ from 2 months of chaos and hard work going on in my life. She insisted on coming to ‘help’ (she did not) and after 2 days of her constant negative comments, over and over and over… I lot it when she got mad at me for being ‘short’. Told her she had no right, that I had asked her to please stop with the negative comments, that I was exhausted, that I was doing the best I could ‘by my self’ and that she needed to worry about how much ‘stuff’ she had and her own mistakes in life.. then she nasty and I told her she was the most negative person on the planet! She disowned me ‘again’ for 3 days, until I apologized, but only because she’s old and you can probably guess which relative πŸ™‚ She was did not apologize back or admit to anything as usual. Ok, I really didn’t care. Just did it for peace so I could enjoy my new place. Guess what.. a week later she was negative on the phone again. ‘sigh’….

    Anyway, thanks for another great article and one I was meant to read tonight. I’m so glad to finally have time to visit and blog ‘again’! I’ve missed you and your inspiration my sister from another life! πŸ™‚

    Enjoy your NEW and beautiful place my friend! You so deserve all the blessings in life that are available!! Big Hug!! ~ Coreen

  2. Hey Soul-Sister!
    Was wondering what had happened to you! Yeah, I can tell stories of crazy, negative, hypochondriac, manipulative, controlling, selfish and mean-spirited people for hours. Alas, I won’t! The thing is, nothing anyone does or says changes their already sick mind. The only thing one can do is stay away and have as little contact as possible, if any.

    Yes, I am also selling my house after 7 years. But can’t wait to live by the beach in a super, awesome neighborhood and condo. I almost doubled my living space, haha. I am very happy and life is too short to waste one’s thoughts, emotions or energy on nutjobs. Just stay true to yourself and forge ahead!

  3. loveddddddddddddd it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and the trigger people…just about a few days back i have changed my approach towards them…. i will NOT let my real self stoop to a level i do not desire because i am vulnerable and open to their negativity!!!!

    absolutely believe in counting our blessings … they are my source of strength when life is not treating me the way i expected to be treated after all the love and honesty i had expended on creating something so beautiful…. πŸ™‚ loved your post!!! made my day!! inspired me.. made me feel light…. made me wonder how come somebody i have not known for so long writes something about what i am working on personally at very deep level πŸ™‚ take care….

  4. No, you cannot stoop to their level. Remember that being human is normal, and hence, sometimes even the “best” of us get sucked up into their bs. But what makes us advance as a being, is the continued effort and mindfulness towards being our higher self. Being aware and then taking the appropriate steps every day, until they become a habit, is what the journey is all about.

    On the bright side, it does get easier after a while. It’s just that “the while” takes often longer than we wished it would πŸ˜‰

  5. Saved as a favorite, I enjoy your blog! πŸ™‚

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