Wow! She’s an Idiot!

Man, there are sure a lot of idiots out there who have a TV show. Unfortunately, they seem to have absolutely no problem finding an audience who worships the very ground they are walking on. Hence, it is not surprising at all, when the already not-so-bright masses don’t find anything wrong at all with that which is actually distasteful, ignorant or downright hurtful.

I would like to present such an example; and oh boy, do I have plenty to say about it!

Kathie Lee Gifford, ladies and gentlemen, seems to give out the “good samaritan” award every week. Turns out, this mother nominated her son, whom she describes as popular, handsome, star athlete and all out wonderful, because he performed a miracle. What was the miracle? He spotted a kid who sat all alone in the cafeteria in school and ate lunch with him! Apparently, said kid really was in need of a popular and wonderful friend like Mr. Good Samaritan.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I also think it is cool that the popular kid was kind enough to not just walk by and ignore the lonely one, but did that make it a miracle? Apparently so! See, as it turns out, the loner happened to be autistic; which makes anyone who would just want to talk to him a hero…according to Kathie Lee.

Kathie Lee then has nothing better to do than to not only invite the superstar miracle man, but also the autistic 10th grader he befriended. And to add insult to injury, she writes a song, titled “All Alone” about the kid’s miserable life, which then gets performed by some kind of Broadway star.

During this stunning performance, the camera keeps showing the poor kid, who started crying. When Muppet Kathie asked him how he liked his song, he truthfully answered that he didn’t like it because it is so sad.

This show was wrong on so many levels, I don’t even know where to begin! First of all, what narcissistic mother would nominate her son for having the decency to sit next to a loner in the cafeteria, making him out to be some kind of national hero? And why is the kid egotistical enough to go along with that, instead of telling his mother to shut it. But then, a certain kind of mother will raise a certain kind of son and I am sure she’s fed him how wonderful he is for most of his life.

Secondly, how in the world did the parents of the autistic child agree to not only bring their child on public television, but then have him humiliated by a few ignorant egomaniacs, who wrote a song about how poor and pathetic his life is? I mean, really???

This poor kid was unpopular before and is now being humiliated in public! I am sure that’s gonna help him in his life! When he answered about not liking his song, they all started laughing, Katie Lee Gifford adding she should have “jazzed” it up a little! I mean, what is wrong with people who find this kind of crap entertaining and think that this is such an amazing act of kindness?

I guess, some will do anything to get on TV and sadly, there will always be some dumb ass show that makes it possible. Ach!

To watch this train wreck, go here: