Zen Schmen – Tis’ the Season to be Hating!

A study showed that the two number one causes for high blood pressure, heart attacks and all kinds of other diseases are regret and having too many choices. Yep, when one has to constantly make a decision, it causes the body to go into permanent stress mode; which causes high cortisol levels, due to your adrenals working overtime. And regret, well, regret is one of the dumbest modes one can have. Because unless you manage to find a way to travel back in time and change things, you might as well realize that you are wasting your energy.

The emphasis these days is on being the peaceful warrior; and while I have worked my butt off to be just that I find it at times downright impossible to be the Zen master. So why are we all so pissed off and angry all the time? Well, why shouldn’t we be? Get ready for one big, nasty rant about “the world!”

We live in a self-absorbed, narcissistic, boring, ignorant and dumb ass, Facebook posting society (which can’t spell or properly punctuate), where kind, tolerant and giving people are the minority and loud mouths recording their every meaningless move to the world are the majority. Yes, I need to know when you took your last dump and your ugly battles with your spouse or others. Yes, the nice guys do finish last, A LOT, these days, while the jerk who backstabbed you is now in your life for good, because your “friends” are a bunch of friggin’ cowards who “won’t take sides,” because they won’t friggin’ stand for anything really, and definitely would not engage in a scary thing like deleting the jerks who’ve wronged you. After all, anything that requires an honest conversation, loyalty, or some balls is out. Passive aggressive, toxic nicety and meaningless chatter is in.

We live in a world where Broke-Back-Mountain-jacket sporting douche canoe Rick Perry is running for president and is probably going to find plenty of dumb asses who agree and vote for him. Because what this country needs is more intolerance, bigotry, class separating bullshit from the top.
We have to listen to hypocritical adulterer Newt (the name says it all) Gingrich and find plenty of support in the ranks of “I-barely-finished-high-school-and-don’t-know-English” nutjobs, who couldn’t put a correct sentence together if “there” life depended on it. Yep, folks, this is the majority who not only votes, but procreates.

We live in a world where companies can fire you “at-will,” because as long as we call it “downsizing” we are OK. We then outsource our jobs to China or India, because this is what capitalism is all about.

We scream “communism,” because yeah, we really do know the difference between socialism, communism or any other system, and we are brainwashed enough to vote against our own interests. And when the proverbial shit hits the fan, and you’ll end up in the hospital, don’t count on your already shitty insurance to pay for it. If you have any “preexisting conditions,” which includes ever having felt depressed, you might as well kiss benefits goodbye. But let’s all scream a little louder, because damn it, this country is not a communist one, this is the land of the free; except that they are really not that free at all, but hey, delusion counts for a great deal.

Every day I see more mindless defending of a view, versus talking to each other. After all, it is so much easier to actually hate those or that which is different, versus spending some time to research or truly listen.

And amidst all of this, one is supposed to keep the Zen mind going. Maybe this is why the Dalai Lama is my number one hero in the world. I cannot do anything but stand in awe at the one person who consistently stands in their own word with integrity, kindness and selfless love for mankind, while we are busy acquiring another bullshit gadget; or post/tweet that we just had a sandwich to the world, while watching “Jersey Shore,” or other quality “reality” shows.

No, my friends, I cannot be the Zen master in this world, as much as I aspire to be. I can do what I think is right and give of myself to those who need it more, fight for that which I know to be right and refuse to become like “them.” But at the end of the day, I get bogged down by the sheer idiocracy of the culture I am part of; you know the “I didn’t do it/it’s not my fault, whiny ass, spineless, woe is me crowd, who has a huge sense of entitlement, who demands higher wages, perfect relationships and 6 figure incomes, while sitting on their butt and pointing fingers, telling you to go and “f*** yourself when you call them on their shit? Ah, what solitude I find in isolating and not partaking in whatever bullshit activity one has to do in order to be popular.

Yes, it gives me great pleasure to point out how shallow, selfish, ignorant, stupid, predictable and boring I find most people to be and how deeply disappointed I am in the human race as a whole, which I am really not proud to be part of.

I really cannot choose to be an atheist, because the only thing that gives me hope these days is the belief that there is something bigger than me, which I will hopefully join one day. I don’t even care if that something is “god” or an alien. I’ll happily climb on board the mothership! Farewell suckers! I’ll watch as you keep hating, shooting, blowing and beating each other up over who is right, as I drift off into outer space or some other dimension/realm. See you, never!

Non-zen hater, over and out!